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VIctorian Sash Windows
Ultimate Rose Sash Windows
Georgian Sash WIndows

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uPVC Sash Window Designs For Period Properties

Authentic replacement uPVC sash windows, blending traditional appearance and modern performance.

  • Roseview Sash Window Manufacturer Previously Approved in Conservation Areas
  • Roseview Sash Window Manufacturer Free Online Sash Window Prices
  • Roseview Sash Window Manufacturer Edwardian, Victorian & Georgian Designs
  • Roseview Sash Window Manufacturer Replacement Sash Windows
  • Roseview Sash Window Manufacturer Windows For Period Properties

Replacement uPVC Sash Windows For Period Properties

If you are looking for replacement sash windows for your home, look no further than The Rose Collection. For over 40 years, we have dedicated ourselves to perfecting the sash window design. Our uPVC sash windows have been specifically engineered to retain the authentic appearance and feel of traditional timber sash windows while improving the performance of your property. In fact, our designs are so authentic, our Ultimate Rose has even been used in conservation areas.

Replacement Sash Windows

Victorian Sash Windows Designs

Victorian sash windows are a well loved sash window style among homeowners throughout the UK. They are characterised by their ‘two over two’ panel design on both the top and bottom panes. This was one of the first window styles to incorporate the run through sash horn, and our Rose Collection sash windows are masterfully crafted to emulate their authentic appearance down to the last detail. Our uPVC Victorian sash window designs are a fantastic replacement window option.

Victorian Sash Windows

Edwardian Sash Window Styles

We are proud to offer Edwardian sash window styles for homeowners looking to replace their older timber sash windows. Edwardian designs are characterised by the ‘six over two’ panes, reviving Georgian and Victorian style. At Roseview, we are proud to have perfectly replicated the much loved sash horn which also features on Edwardian styles. However, our uPVC windows will deliver outstanding modern benefits to period homes in need of a little love.

Edwardian Sash Windows

Georgian Sliding Sash Windows

Georgian sash window designs are one of the oldest designs that property owners still use today. They are extremely elegant and have a very distinctive ‘six over six’ pane design, giving any building a period charm. Today, this style can take a lot of work to upkeep, and many could be as old as 200 years. We are proud to deliver the same vintage aesthetic in our replacement sash window designs without compromising on modern performance benefits.

Georgian Sash Windows

Traditional uPVC Sash Window Designs

Our authentic sash window designs are manufactured using robust uPVC and resilient double glazing. However, our 40 years plus development has allowed us to perfect the appearance of authentic timber. uPVC delivers a whole host of fantastic benefits, including improve insulation, security, low maintenance and weatherproofing. You can rest assured that our uPVC sash windows have been designed to stand the test of time while improving the performance of your property.

uPVC Sash Windows

Authentic Ultimate Rose Sash Window

Our Ultimate Rose sash window is the most authentic sash window in our collection. It features a super thin 35mm mid rail and have been design engineered to emulate the appearance of an authentic sash window, down to the last detail. The corner detailing features mechanical joinery, staying true to the way traditional sash windows were manufactured. Our Ultimate Rose is the perfect sash window for period properties throughout the UK.

Ultimate Rose Sash Windows

Stunning Heritage Rose Sash Window

Our Heritage Rose oozes authenticity and is almost impossible to distinguish between a traditional timber sash window, even when you look up close. It is a fantastic replacement sash window option and, like the Ultimate Rose, can be tailored to suit your home. The Heritage features a 44mm meeting point and will deliver plenty of performance benefits, such as improved thermal efficiency, heightened security, low maintenance design and more.

Heritage Rose Sash Windows

Charming Charisma Rose Sash Window

If you are looking for replacement sash windows for a new build, our Charisma Rose is a fantastic option. However, it still holds true to the appearance of authentic sash windows with a more modern feel. It features a 60mm meeting point and well as welded corners. It provides excellent thermal efficiency thanks to its multi-chambered frame. A fantastic option for property owners looking to give their building a heritage charm with modern performance.

Charisma Rose Sash Window
Sash Window Prices

uPVC Sliding Sash Window Prices

If you want to know more about sash window prices and how much your installation will cost, we have a fantastic online sash window cost calculator. You can easily get your sliding sash window prices online, tailored to your specifications. Start your home restoration journey today!

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