Have you recently upgraded your home with our stunning Rose Collection sash windows? Show them off using #myrosesash and join our community of homeowners and self builders!
At Rose Collection, every sash window is designed to fit your home perfectly. Whether it’s a cottage, conservation area, new build, or Georgian townhouse, our range of customisation options – including stylish astragal bars, traditional sash horns, a variety of colours, and up to three U-value choices—allows you to tailor your windows to suit your home just the way you want.
And the best part? Our Instagram page is a true reflection of this. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or ready to upgrade with bespoke sash windows, take a look below!
At Rose Collection, we’re passionate about partnering with homeowners, influencers, and design enthusiasts who share our love for beautiful, bespoke sash windows. Whether you’re looking to showcase your home, share your renovation journey, or feature our windows in your latest project, we’d love to hear from you.
If you’re interested in collaborating, or if you have ideas for featuring your home in our showcases, don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us through our contact form or DM us on Instagram. Let’s bring your vision to life!
With our sash window visualiser, you can design the perfect sash windows for your property! Select your ideal profile, colour and hardware and watch your design come to life on a house just like yours! Choose your wall colour to get started.
Select the backdrop that most closely resembles your home
Ultimate Rose
Heritage Rose
Charisma Rose